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Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most commonly performed Plastic surgery procedures performed. It not only reduces the volume and weight of the breasts but also reshapes them.


This surgery can help alleviate symptoms of back and neck pain as well as rashes associated with large, heavy breasts.


Women feel more self-confident after breast reduction, find exercising easier no longer have issues with ill-fitting clothing.

Mr Shah will discuss in depth the procedure with you explaining all the potential risks and benefits associated with the surgery.


The surgery is performed under General Anaesthesia and involves a 1-2-night stay in hospital.


Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

The shape and size of breasts can alter with time. Pregnancy, Breast feeding and weight loss can cause deflation and sagging of the breasts losing their previous youthful look.


Mastopexy or breast lift will reshape and reposition the breast and nipple higher on the chest restoring the youthful look.

In women with smaller breasts Mastopexy can be combined with a Breast Augmentation at the same time.



Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen. It helps create a slimmer, firmer abdomen. This procedure is particularly effective in patients who have excess skin for example after pregnancy and major weight loss.


The procure may be combined with Liposuction to achieve a smoother contour.


Mr Shah will discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure and help you attain your goals. He recommends that you have attained your ideal weight and that your weight is stable before undergoing this procedure.


The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and will involve a 1-2 day hospital stay.



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